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Editorial Team

The Editor-in-Chief of the Ghana Journal of Agriculture Science invites authors to submit manuscripts for publication in the next edition of the Journal. Submitted articles must be original research, reviews, or short communications that have not been published elsewhere or being considered for publication in other Journals. All submitted articles will undergo a double-blind review. A final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Names Highest Qualification Area of Expertise
Prof. Kwaku Adomako
(Animal Breeding and Genetics)
PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics (KNUST) Animal Breeding and Genetics, Poultry Production and Management
Prof. Joshua A. Hamidu
(Reproductive Physiology and Animal Health)
PhD in Animal Science Embryology and Physiology
Prof. Moses Teye
(Meat Science)
PhD in Meat Science and Technology Meat Science, Animal Welfare, Food Safety, Animal Production and Product Processing
Prof. Wesey Addah
(Ruminant Nutrition)
PhD in Animal Science Ruminant Nutrition
Prof. Boniface B. Kayang (Molecular Animal Genetics) PhD in Agriculture (Molecular Animal Genetics) Molecular Animal Genetics and Animal Biotechnology
Dr. Michael Boateng
(Monogastric Nutrition)
PhD in Animal Nutrition Animal Nutrition and Swine Production
Dr. James E. Fuste
PhD in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology Microbiology and Immunology
Dr. Eric C. Timpong-Jones
(Forage and Rangeland)
PhD in Animal Science Pasture and Range Science
Dr. Godwin Ameleke (Sociology) PhD in Agricultural Economics Livestock Economics, Adoption and Impact Studies, Marketing and Value Chain Analysis
Dr. Bernard A. Hagan (Editorial Secretary) PhD in Quantitative Genetics Animal Breeding and Genetics